Lisa F. Crites Archives - Page 9 of 10 - The Shower Shirt

The Unexpected Surgery

Before Reading this Blog PLEASE NOTE: I have included photo’s (post-infection) which could be considered rather repulsive. However, since I’ve chosen to bear my soul psychologically, I felt it was only fair to do the same physically. Breast cancer leaves...

Still In The Hospital

   After six days in the hospital and multiple lab tests to identify the nature of my ‘hospital acquired’ infection, luckily, it was not MRSA, but a methicillin ‘sensitive’ form of Staph infection that could possibly be controlled with antibiotics. However, they had...

Back In The Hospital

So imagine this visual. I was just admitted to the hospital by the Emergency Room (ER) physician with a major infection in my left breast tissue expander. The hospital transporter was literally rolling me on a stretcher from the emergency department to my room with...

A Life-Threatening Infection

Two weeks after mastectomy surgery, I went to bed feeling somewhat dizzy. I woke up at 2 am and felt as if I was having a heart attack as I had pain radiating up and down my left arm. I struggled to the bathroom but quickly passed out. I was able to regain...

The Trash Bag & Devastating Complications

 Women have been going through mastectomies for 75 years in this country. Why was there not a water-resistant product to protect me while in the shower after amputation of my breasts?  Why was I required to wrap a trash bag around my body for protection?  A question...