Again, a redundant, but familiar visual: I was being rolled on a hospital stretcher through Wuesthoff Medical Center Melbourne, in the process of being re-admitted to the hospital. My cell phone rings. As expected, it was Dr. Z stating; “Lisa, just because your...
The New Year normally brings hope. Hope for good health, less struggles, financial freedom, and for me, that Dr. Z could rebuild the problematic left breast without any additional complications; and secondly, to finalize the Shower Shirt in hopes of bringing the...
I proceeded to the shower with the first re-created prototype, which worked surprisingly well. Though I realized quickly, even by tightening the neck region to the point of suffocation, we still needed to add additional water-resistant safety features. Plus, I...
It was December 2009, and I felt great. Though my chest was visually (and extremely) lopsided, I was exercising again, eating healthy, attaining plenty of sleep and had a consistently positive outlook on life. My significant other, Phil, and I discussed the need to...
After the unexpected session in the Emergency Department for pre-surgery blood work, all became distinctly calm. The pain and swelling from the hematoma subsided within a week, just in time to check into the hospital for my third surgery to exchange the tissue...