I tested the new Shower Shirt prototype multiple times and it worked tremendously. After five variations, our final design was complete and ready to be introduced to the mastectomy garment market. That is, once we were able to obtain either a category determination...
It was May 2010; nearly a year after hearing that infamous statement, “You have breast cancer.” Those words were the predecessor of much emotion, surgeries, infections, the Shower Shirt project, and daily hyperbaric oxygen treatments; therefore, the diagnosis was...
Questions such as; “Am I wasting my time?” or; “Is this entire project useless?” went over and over in my mind as I was anticipating finalizing the Shower Shirt product. What if no one else cared about having to shower in a trash bag after amputation of the breasts?...
After a couple of weeks of morning and evening visits with my home health nurse, she felt comfortable enough to let Phil and I administer the Vancomyacin into my PICC line each evening. With only a week left before the line was scheduled to be removed, I was feeling...
In between my three weeks of sleeping and appointments each morning and evening with the home health nurse, I read an article on hyperbaric medicine, otherwise known as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), and how it was advantageous for various forms of wound healing....