lisacrites, Author at The Shower Shirt - Page 11 of 11

The Decisions in Managing the Diagnosis

 Immediately after hearing those words, “You have breast cancer,” you are introduced to physicians you never really wanted to meet.  Besides the general surgeon who will be taking the cancer out of your body, you are introduced to an oncologist who discusses placing...

The Breast Cancer Diagnosis

As a former Health/Medical television news reporter I have interviewed hundreds of individuals who were either chronically ill, or had gone through some type of terminal illness. I was always able to pull a myriad of raw emotions from these patients, which was great...

To Blog or Not To Blog

This request has been hovering over me for several years now, to “Blog or Not To Blog?” My public relations team says “Lisa, you should blog,” my speaking engagement agent, my website developer and technology guru have all encouraged me to get involved in...