lisacrites, Author at The Shower Shirt - Page 10 of 11

Back In The Hospital

So imagine this visual. I was just admitted to the hospital by the Emergency Room (ER) physician with a major infection in my left breast tissue expander. The hospital transporter was literally rolling me on a stretcher from the emergency department to my room with...

A Life-Threatening Infection

Two weeks after mastectomy surgery, I went to bed feeling somewhat dizzy. I woke up at 2 am and felt as if I was having a heart attack as I had pain radiating up and down my left arm. I struggled to the bathroom but quickly passed out. I was able to regain...

The Trash Bag & Devastating Complications

 Women have been going through mastectomies for 75 years in this country. Why was there not a water-resistant product to protect me while in the shower after amputation of my breasts?  Why was I required to wrap a trash bag around my body for protection?  A question...

The Trash Bag after Mastectomy Surgery

 One doesn’t have time to deal with the reality of no breasts when unbearable pain is the sole focus. The morning after my surgery, the pain on the right side of my chest was so severe I could hardly breathe, and constant, with no reprieve, as if an arrow had been...

My Mastectomy Without My Mom

 My mastectomy was scheduled bright and early on an extremely warm Tuesday morning in Florida, June 2009. I remember lying in bed at the hospital before surgery missing my mom. Of course those who don’t know me personally, would not know my mom died in a car accident...